Dangl “painted” Nicodemus in front of the cameras! When he revealed where he goes naked, Adela lost her voice – PRAVDA.sk

Not only interesting facts about the country, but also “picosks” from the life of the permanent team of the popular entertainment show I love Slovakia will get “into the world”. After that, Nicodemus blushed in front of the cameras.


Martin Nikodým, show moderator I love Slovakia.

On Friday evening, the competition teams led by Adela Vinczeová and Dan Dangl will once again face each other in the show I Love Slovakia with moderator Martin Nikodý. In front of the cameras, there was also talk of Nicodemus’ hobby – he is engaged in beekeeping. And it was the care of the bees that caused a stir and laughter in the studio. An interesting story was “pulled out” by Dano Dangl. Although he lingered for a while with the publication of the first sentence, he did not resist in the end.

“As I walk to that meadow, I like to be bare on it,” Dangl revealed information he had learned from Nicodemus. This is how the moderator of the I Love Slovakia show takes care of his bees, which he himself admitted, to which he explained with a laugh: “Friends, I have a large meadow, there is also a forest, so I’m counting on me to be there no one can see, “he described. This information left Adela Vincze speechless for a few seconds. But then she “submitted” her colleague (video).

They will perform as guests in the show, which will reach the audience on Friday at 20:30 at the Unit – sports director Ján Valach, hockey goalkeeper Jaro Janus, snowboarder Klaudia Medlová, tennis player Magdaléna Rybáriková, water slalom skier Alexander Slafkovský and former track cyclist Jozef Žabka.

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