VIDEO He rebuked them as little children: The priest from the East did not put a napkin in front of his mouth, he started shouting at the believers at Mass! –

VIDEO Unexpected speech to the soul from the mouth of a priest believing at Mass:

He was filmed by the late arrivals of believers for confession and worship

The video appeared on a social network and immediately became a viral affair. During the end of the Mass, the priest and protégé Peter Iľko decided to speak to the faithful with something that had obviously been on his heart for a long time. Almost no, even zero and silent reaction of believers in the church to the words of a screaming priest in the viewer only amplifies the feeling that this is not the first time that a priest has had a similar outcome.

At the end of the Mass, he had a good space in the basilica in the Sabinov district, after which some believers apparently walked home without words and with shame. “I have one heart, but I don’t know how to tell you to … accept it,” the priest began quite timidly, but he literally pearled in a few minutes.

The Greek Catholic priest Iľko is probably already well known to believers in the East.

Source: TASR – Oliver Ondráš

If you want to continue like this, you better stay at home, the priest advised them

However, he immediately continued, reminding the believers that he deliberately had the discipline of a smile to accept his later criticism with a smile, but according to him, the believers still frowned at holy communion. However, he slowly raised his voice. “Punctuality. Do you know what punctuality is? That if the service is at six and you arrive at 6:02 and you still want to go to confession and still say to the pastor,” Why was the service delayed? “Are you normal?” the priest asked in an outburst of anger and in the Eastern dialect. He sarcastically advised them to stay home if they wanted to continue with similar behavior.

“It’s the liturgy at six and you’re leaving for service at 6:10 ?! It’s invalid! It started at six!” Iľko continued with a raised voice. “Now take the next thing, the bus is sixth and you’re three-quarters to six of all gossiping at the bus stop! Is that normal?” Iľko asked in another surge of anger. “You can be as angry with me as you want, at least I’ll have a lot of work to do,” the pastor muttered. Other relatively strong announcements of the pastor are in the rest of the extremely hit video from this sermon, which we published above in this article.

The reactions were mostly positive

The public reacts surprisingly positively to the discipline of the clergy. Only in places did people appear who did not understand his angry tone. “The cry and annoyance of the pastor will not help the faithful, on the contrary, it will only discourage more,” one video viewer complains.

VIDEO He scolded them like

Source: Facebook

However, the vast majority praises the priest to heaven for the truth he is said to be telling.

VIDEO He scolded them like

Source: Facebook

A priest who loves superheroes

For some “experts”, Iľko is no new concept in the case of priests, because this year he became “famous” for his love of superheroes, with which he also confessed to believers directly at Mass. However, he wanted to say something deeper about the church.

VIDEO Another commemorative discipline of the pastor Iľka:

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