UNIKLO RESOLUTION: Plačková had to work with cocaine with a man – Pluska.sk

After the interrogation on Tuesday, Zuzana Plačková also commented on drugs. “I’m innocent, so … And this is just normal. I have nothing more to say about it. I am aware of my innocence. Of course I didn’t know about drugs. Do you think that in what I earn from a normal legal act, I need to do drugs? This is utter nonsense and fabrication! “ she also claimed and commented on the marriage of her husband René.

Zuzana Plačková just after the interrogation.

Source: Karol Farkaš, Plus ONE DAY

However, in the resolution, the investigators made them very serious allegations. The resolution speaks of the million sales that dealers had to share among the Zličice group. “A criminal group composed of TG, P.Š., MF, DL, René Strausz and Zuzana Plačková and other hitherto precisely unidentified persons operating in the Trnava, Bratislava and Trenčín regions, in the period from 2012 to the present, carried out for the purpose of profit, through the established structure of persons, ensures the import of a drug called cocaine, where this drug is subsequently distributed through the network of dealers of this criminal group to other end users of the drug, “ it is written in the resolution.

René after questioning in Trenčín.

Source: Karol Farkaš, Plus ONE DAY

,, TG also ensured the import of cocaine from a hitherto unspecified location, where it subsequently distributed them to individual dealers in the group (P.Š., MF, DL, Z. Strausz Plačková, R. Strausz) through lower components in the group, who subsequently they supplied cocaine to an even lower-ranking dealer, “ reads in the resolution.

The resolution also states that the police were supposed to intercept them. “The communication of the perpetrators regarding the commission of the acts was stable and the individual objects in which the perpetrators stayed were established.” the resolution states that these acts are currently in secret mode.

During the home search, they were provided with 6 laptops, one mobile phone and an identity card in the name of Mário Rehák. During the interrogation, both vehemently claimed that they had nothing to do with it and refused to testify further. Zuzana, like her husband, is in danger of 20-25 years behind bars after proving guilt.

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