HC Košice – DVTK Miškovec (Eastern Cup) – ŠPORT.sk

yesterday 15:30

The opening match did not work out for the Košice team in the home tournament according to their ideas, when they pulled for a shorter end with the Slovenian Ljubljana and lost 1: 3. Today, the “steelworkers” are waiting for a former opponent from the domestic competition DVTK Miškovec. Watch the ONLINE broadcast from the match on ŠPORT.sk!

Online transmission

08/20/2021|16:00|Eastern Cup|

HC Košice

10: 3(3: 0, 4: 3, 3: 0)end of the match

DVTK Miškovec


Riečický (Košarišťan) – Saucerman, Cibák, Tansey, Novota, Romančík, Deyl, Jacko, Belluš – McPherson, Slovak, Lapšanský – Klhufek, Chovan, Milý – Bartánus, Réway, Pereskokov – Jokeľ, Frič, Rogoň

B. Kiss (Duschek) – Doetzel, Hadobás, Wehrs, Hyvárinen, R. Kiss, Vojtkó, Farkad – Mihalik, Galanisz, Walker – Ritó, Miskolczi, Szabad – Galajda, Mattyasovzsky, Lovei – Pecsét, Farkas

The author:
|Source: ŠPORT.sk, onlajny.eu
|Photo: ŠPORT.sk

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