Taraba also got involved in the battle between Cigániková and Tabák: Which of the two sides did he take? – Topky.sk

The whole case broke out after Cigániková indicated through her status on the social network that she was filing a criminal complaint against Tabák for physical assault. This was supposed to happen in one of the Bratislava businesses, where Cigániková was at a concert with friends and her husband. The two women first got into each other verbally, but later there was also physical contact. Cigániková should have taken off Tabák’s cap, but she in turn started pulling the head of the health committee by her hair and physically attacking her. The attack was supposed to last several minutes, after which Tabák was supposed to leave, only to return immediately and hit Gyániková hard on the head. The MP ended up in the hospital because of it. Tabák described the whole thing differently and claims that it was Gygániková who came to her for no reason in an insane state and poured vulgar insults on her person. Busy events from the Bratislava bar were also transferred to the floor of the parliament, at least on a verbal level. Unaffiliated deputy Tomáš Taraba responded to them. During the current meeting, he caught the Tabák party, when he directly in the plenary session of the National Council called on the chairperson of the health committee, Jana Bittó Cigániková, to resign. “It is unacceptable that she fights in bars, she disgraces the whole parliament,” he said. In return, Cigániková told him that “those who came on the fascists’ list always had a problem with recognizing the victims and the attacker”. Taraba got into parliament on the ĽS NS candidate. Romana Tabák thanked Tarab for such support and added that she “had to defend herself.” She added that Cigániková attacked her physically and verbally at the concert and pointed to the fact that she is eight years younger and has a 2-year-old son at home. Both MPs have something behind their ears even outside of this case. Romana Tabák is infamous, for example, for swimming in a Tatra stream in a prohibited zone, or for being expelled from the parliamentary OĽaNO for not supporting the extradition of Smer-SD leader Robert Fico for custodial prosecution. Cigániková, on the other hand, “showed off” in the parliament when, for example, in 2018 she shouted at the parliamentary committee during a discussion regarding electronic healthcare. In May of this year, she again came to the press OĽaNO, where she attacked its chairman, Igor Matovič, precisely because two of his deputies did not support the release of Fico. One of them was Tabák, the other Katarína Hatráková.

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