In Iran, the death of a 20-year-old woman with loose and tied hair becomes the new symbol of… – BFMTV

The young woman was killed this weekend by six bullets, including one in the head, by the security forces of the Islamic Republic. As a final challenge to religious authorities and obscurantism. Ten days after the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian girl killed by Iranian security forces for an improperly worn veil, a new young woman named Hadis Najafi, aged just 20, also lost her life in the of a demonstration organized last Thursday in the city of Karaj, about twenty kilometers from the capital Tehran. Since this announcement, broadcast by several media and activists but which has not yet been confirmed by an official press agency, the last living images of Hadis Najafi have been widely shared on social networks and have become a symbol of struggle for the thousands of protesters across the country, who have been mobilizing since the death of Mahsa Amini. In this short video, the young woman , without a veil, ties her hair with a determined air before heading towards the demonstration which will be fatal to her a few minutes later. Great emotion The death of Hadis Najafi was announced on Twitter by the newspaper list and activist Masih Alinejad who reports that the young woman “was shot in the chest, face and neck by Islamic Republic security forces.” The latter also published a video of the protester’s funeral in the presence of several members of her family. On Instagram, the sister of the deceased published a heartbreaking message in which she addresses the authorities of her country directly. “You, bastards, shot her in the heart. Why did you shoot her in the neck, hand and forehead? How many bullets did you need to kill a girl who weighed only 40 kg?” , she accuses. On the same social network, the former President of the Republic François Hollande is also the relay of this disappearance. “Support for Iranian men and women who fight with courage, sometimes until death, to defend freedom and democracy”, he wrote. , it is extremely difficult to obtain official confirmation of the death of Hadis Najafi. More broadly, it is almost impossible to obtain a clear assessment of the victims of police repression since the start of the demonstrations. The European Union judged on Sunday “unjustifiable and unacceptable” the “generalized and disproportionate use of force” against the demonstrators which would have already caused 41 deaths, or even many more according to certain NGOs including Human Rights. The head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell also called on Tehran to “clarify the number of dead and arrested people, to release all non-violent demonstrators”. For their part, the Iranian authorities do not seem absolutely inclined to loosen their grip around the company. In a speech given over the weekend, Mohammad Javad Haj Ali Abkari, the country’s former vice-president, even issued a clear and dire threat to the protesters. “If you don’t stop your shameless crimes, you must expect a strong response from the Islamic system which so far has shown patience,” he warned.

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