War in Ukraine: A Briton captured by the Russians recounts his ordeal – 20 Minutes

An ordeal made of torture and humiliation. One of five Britons captured in Ukraine and returned to the UK after a prisoner swap between Moscow and Kyiv told in an interview with British tabloid The Sun of being beaten and forced to sing the Russian anthem in custody. 28-year-old Aiden Aslin was taken prisoner in Ukraine, where he was fighting for kyiv, and was sentenced to death for mercenary. After his surrender in the siege of Mariupol in April, “the soldier asked in Russian ‘where are you from?’ I told him I was from Britain and he punched me in the face,” he told The Sun.Russia treated British POW Aiden Aslin “worse than a dog” in captivity, he told The SunHe says his captors kept him in solitary confinement for 5 months, repeatedly beating him and forcing him to listen to Soviet songs in a tiny cell for 24 hours a day.https://t.co/s5ph1yDSOn— Euromaidan Press ( @EuromaidanPress) September 25, 2022 Access to this content has been blocked in order to respect your choice of consent By clicking on “I ACCEPT”, you accept the deposit of cookies by external services and will thus have access to the content of our partners I ACCEPT And to better remunerate 20 Minutes, do not hesitate to accept all cookies, even for one day only, via our “I accept for today” button in the banner below. More information on the Cookie Management Policy page.

According to his account, he was then separated from the other prisoners and interrogated in the back of an armored vehicle. ‘You are going to have a magnificent death’ ‘The officer smoked a cigarette and knelt down in front of me to tell me ask “do you know who I am?” I said no and he replied in Russian ‘I am your death’”“He said ‘do you see what I did to you?’ He showed my back. He showed me his knife and I realized he had kicked me with it.” The officer then asked him if he wanted “a quick death or a beautiful death,” the Briton continued, whose girlfriend is Ukrainian, to which he replied that he wanted a quick death. “He smiled and said ‘No, you’re going to have a wonderful death,'” Aiden Aslin told The Sun. Forced to shoot propaganda videos He said he spent the next five months in a cell 1.20 m by 1.80 m infested with cockroaches and lice, deprived of daylight except when took him out to shoot propaganda videos or to be able to communicate with the British Foreign Office. be beaten, and also to shout ‘Glory to Russia’. ‘After being forced to sing the Russian anthem every morning for the past six months, I think it’s time to learn something from a little better and learn the Ukrainian anthem,” Aiden Aslin tweeted on Sunday. In the Sun, he further thanked “from the bottom of his heart” Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich – under sanctions from the UK and of the European Union – for his role in the release of the five Britons, who were able to return to their country after an exchange of prisoners favored by Saudi mediation.