Merkel flew to Moscow, negotiates with Putin – Svet –

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Friday. Before the start of negotiations, she said that Moscow and Berlin needed to maintain a dialogue, despite differing views.

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the laying of a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier before talks with Russian President Putin in Moscow on August 20, 2021.

“Even though we have deep disagreements, we continue to communicate and that should remain the case,” Merkel said. The opening minutes of the meeting were broadcast live on Russian television.

Merkel arrived in Moscow on the day of the first anniversary of the poisoning of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. Ukraine, Belarus and Afghanistan are to be the focus of Merkel’s last visit to Moscow. Merkel will resign as head of the federal government after 16 years in Germany (September 26).

There are tensions between Berlin and Moscow over several disputes, including the imprisonment of the Naval, the murder of a Chechen Georgian in Berlin, and the hacker attack on the German Federal Assembly in 2015. Merkel was last in Moscow in January 2020.

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