VIDEO. What was this strange white shape observed in the sky on Thursday April 21? – West France

Around 10 p.m., Thursday April 21, 2022, a strange white form was observed all over France. Thousands of Internet users were surprised by it on social networks. A UFO ? “A priori” no. It would be a well-identified aerospace phenomenon. A maneuver of a SpaceX rocket It was rather the second stage of the Falcon 9 rocket from the American company SpaceX. As Eric Lagadec, astrophysicist at the Lagrange laboratory of the Côte d’Azur observatory, advances on Twitter: “Many people tell me that they have seen this through the sky of France. A priori, it is a SpaceX rocket, no UFO in sight! The likely explanation? “At 9:45 p.m., the second stage of Falcon 9 (SpaceX) was traveling at a speed of 27,800 km/h for an altitude of over 300 km. To avoid leaving this debris more than 10 meters in space, the engine was reignited for a few moments, spitting out several tons of gas… Creating a cloud to deorbit it! », Details a young weather enthusiast on his website. Overview in several countries in Europe And this “de-orbiting” maneuver would have generated this luminous phenomenon which could be spotted in the sky from other countries, such as Belgium or Spain. Many Internet users are still waiting for confirmation from the Group for Studies and Information on Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (GEIPAN), the service of the National Center for Space Studies (Cnes) responsible for studying unidentified aerospace phenomena. But, once again, this phenomenon should not fall into the category of cases that have remained unexplained to date by GEIPAN. VIDEO. What was this strange white shape observed in the sky on Thursday April 21?