In the Rescue Nest in Bratislava, they found the helpless body of a newborn – Startitup

TV Joj came up with an extremely sad news from the Bratislava hospital. In the Rescue Nest at the National Institute for Pediatric Diseases, they found a newborn who was no longer breathing. Television adds that he was a boy and had to lie unnoticed in the Rescue Nest for several days. The baby’s body was found during a morning check-up. The baby’s body was found this morning. There is currently a police station in Kramáry in Bratislava, which is investigating the whole event. The portal states that investigators from the criminal police, the coroner and the forensic technician arrived at the hospital. Signaling should not have worked in the rescue nest in our capital. The boy therefore had to lie in the incubator for several days without anyone noticing. TV JOJ states that several sources have confirmed their information. The boy was found in an incubator this morning at a checkpoint. At that time, he showed no signs of life. He says they immediately contacted the police, with whom they deal with the case. Rescue nests Rescue nests are public incubators. Women who do not want a child for some reason can put them in the newborn after the birth of the newborn, up to the 6th week after birth. They save him from death and give him a real chance at life. The first Rescue Nests were established in Slovakia in 2004. The incubators are publicly accessible and anonymous. The mother can put the newborn in them with impunity, with the promise that no one will look for her origin or the origin of the child. Rescue nests are usually located in hospital buildings, from the outside, thus ensuring easy access from the street. Rescue nests are considered one of the crisis options for saving children’s lives. It provides the child with the most established right – the right to life. The child in the incubator is anonymous and legally free. In practice, this means that the registration process can begin after registration. The biological mother can return to the child until the court issues a valid decision on his adoption. Therefore, she does not have much time to think. If the court has already ruled on adoption, the biological mother has no right to return to the child. Completion of the adoption process is individual, it can take a month, but also months. Even if the biological mother manages to do so, it is not certain that the child will be entrusted to her again. First, she must contact the hospital and prove that she is indeed the mother of the baby. In cooperation with the social nurse, she must contact the social department of the Office of Labor, Social Affairs and Family. The court then decides whether the mother is qualified to take care of the child. The court considers the evidence and assesses the psychological and social aspects. Thank you for reading Startitup. If you have a perception or found an error in the article, write to us at [email protected]. Sources:, Naše zdravie