Russia announces that it has “successfully” tested the Sarmat, an “unparalleled” intercontinental missile according to Vladimir Putin

The RS-28 Sarmat missile system, which can carry a dozen nuclear warheads, “will make those who try to threaten” Russia think twice, Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday. Article written by Published on 04/20/2022 17:18 Updated on 04/20/2022 18:02 Reading time: 1 min. It “will make those who try to threaten” Russia think twice, Vladimir Putin said on television. In full offensive on Ukraine, the Russian leader attended the first test firing of a new intercontinental ballistic missile, the RS-28 Sarmat, according to Russian news agencies, Wednesday, April 20. The firing of this “unique weapon” was carried out at the Plesetsk cosmodrome, 800 km north of Moscow, specifies the Russian Defense Ministry. The warheads it was carrying reached the Koura impact zone in Kamchatka, 6,100 kilometers away. It is the most powerful missile with the longest kill range in the world, and the first in a test program, according to the ministry. It is designed to carry a dozen nuclear warheads, explained to AFP Guy Martin, the editor-in-chief of the South African site defenceWeb. This fifth-generation Sarmat missile, nicknamed “Satan 2” by NATO analysts, is supposed to evade missile defenses. Weighing over 200 tons, it outperforms its predecessor, the Voevoda missile, with a range of 11,000 km, and “has virtually no range limits”, according to Vladimir Putin, who judges able to “aim at targets crossing the North Pole as well as the South Pole”.
This weapon is part of a series of other missiles presented in 2018 as “invisible” by Vladimir Putin, including the Kinjal and Avangard hypersonic missiles. “This type of missile is a new type of technology that is not constrained by the New Start treaty, a strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty between Russia and the United States, signed in 2010”, explained in 2019 to franceinfo Corentin Brustlein, Director of the Center for Security Studies at the French Institute for International Relations. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link