Consumer associations oppose the scheduled end of receipts – franceinfo

From 2023, you will have to explicitly request the printing of your receipt. Associations claim that it be “systematically offered”. Article written by Published on 04/19/2022 11:44 Updated on 04/19/2022 12:02 Reading time: 1 min. It is a provision of the anti-waste law that made them wince. Most consumer associations opposed, Tuesday, April 19, the default abolition of the till receipt planned from 2023. They demand that the printing of a receipt be “systematically offered”. The debate concerns an implementing decree which provides for “the ban on the automatic printing of tickets in stores from January 1, 2023”, with the aim of reducing the production of waste. Exceptions to this prohibition are already provided for, in particular for the purchase of certain so-called “durable” goods and bank card transactions canceled or subject to credit. “Consumers would only be informed, by way of display at the cash desk, that if they wish to obtain a ticket, they will have to expressly request it”, worry in particular the UFC-Que Choisir and Rural Families. Twelve associations, out of the fifteen that make up the National Consumer Council, believe that removing the receipt “by default” “results in depriving consumers of a real choice, and consequently of their rights”. In defense of the receipt, several arguments in their eyes: it remains “a tool for managing the family budget”, makes it possible to “verify the accuracy of the amount of the transaction” and constitutes “proof of purchase essential to take advantage of legal or commercial warranties”. They also consider that the replacement of the printed receipt by sending it by email “opens the way to a forced dematerialization of the receipt”, “likely to facilitate via marketing techniques the creation of databases by merchants”. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link