In Rennes, a new hunting accident injuring a motorist revives the debate – The HuffPost

via Associated Press

A new hunting accident in Rennes reopens the debate (photo illustration)

POLICY – “We are human beings, there is no zero risk”, said the boss of the hunters, Friday night, on BFMTV. Illustration less than twenty-four hours later, with a new accident on Saturday, which leaves a motorist between life and death.

A 67-year-old man was indeed seriously injured by gunshot at midday while driving on the four-way between Rennes and Nantes, precisely between Orgères and Laillé, in Ille-et-Vilaine.

“The shot would have been fired by a hunter,” said deputy prosecutor Jean-Marie Blin, this Sunday morning, in a statement, confirming information revealed by West France. “The prognosis is life-threatening for the victim”, he adds, while a hunter was taken into custody as part of an investigation opened for unintentional injuries.

“It’s time to have the courage to ban it”

According to the daily West France, the passenger, shocked but unharmed, for his part managed to control the vehicle and park it on the side before calling the emergency services. The driver, from Maine-et-Loire, was hospitalized in critical condition at Rennes University Hospital, the newspaper still writes.

Three days ago, Thursday, it’s in Haute-Savoie that a man in his thirties was seriously injured by a hunting shot while walking on a path.

“The dramas are linked”, writes on this subject the activist Hugo Clément on social networks, pointing to the multiplication of facts at the end of October, at a time when associations specializing in the issue count 40 accidents (including 6 fatal ) for the 2020-2021 season. What relaunch the debate around hunting, a few months before the presidential election.

“Hunting is a major cause of insecurity in the countryside and is illustrated every week by dramatic various facts”, writes thus the candidate of the Animalist Party, Hélène Thouy, on Twitter, adding: “It’s time to have the courage to ban it.”

“Yes, ban hunting on weekends and during the holidays as proposed by Yannick Jadot, it is necessary ”, launches for his part the vice-president (EELV) of the metropolis of Rennes for whom,“ it is urgent that such a measure be implemented. ”

The EELV candidate for the next presidential election has indeed proposed, Friday on the set of BFMTV, to prohibit hunters from indulging in their leisure on weekends, a marker of always among the Greens and a question of security for Yannick Jadot .

“Rurality is the pleasure of the countryside, of being able to hike, cycle, walk with your dog without being afraid that he will be shot at the end of the road”, he explained to Jean-Jacques Bourdin, at the risk arousing the ire of Willy Schraen. The boss of the hunters praised, in response, the “efforts we are making” to make these practices safer. There is obviously still work to do.

See also on The HuffPost: This fishing boat ended up in a battle between orcas and sea lions

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