Napoli-Roma 1-1, Mourinho against the referee and Var

José Mourinho against the referee and Var after the 1-1 draw that his Roma got in Naples. “I don’t want to say too much: there are teams that play to win the Scudetto. We don’t. But we have the right to play to win games and today it seemed that we didn’t have this right. I read in the newspapers that the championship is decided if a referee makes a mistake against one of the top 3 in the standings. But it is also decided if a referee makes a mistake in favor of one of the top 3 teams. Today it seemed impossible for us to win this match “, says the Special One to Dazn. “I don’t want to say too much, but Mr. Di Paolo (in charge of the Var, ed) and Mr. Di Bello (referee, ed) … At some point during the game I felt ashamed to be here … Do you want to know how many episodes? Two? Three? There is no expulsion of Zanoli, who was booked in the first half. On Zaniolo there was a penalty for the intervention of the goalkeeper. There is even more, enough: we deserve respect “, adds the Portuguese coach. “We weren’t good enough and we can’t fight to win games, but we want to have the right to win games. On Saturday I want to fight to win the game – he says thinking about the match scheduled on Inter Milan -. Has this right been taken away? Yes, yes “.