Moro: 10/11 Cassation on the Persichetti case, the former BR ‘here are real leaks from the Commission’

The hearing in Cassation on the appeal presented by the defense of the former Br Paolo Persichetti against the decision of the Review which on 6 July last rejected the request for release from seizure documents has been set for 10 November. At the center of the story is the seizure of various documents taken on 8 June last against the former terrorist, today a historical researcher and author, among other things, of books and investigations on the Moro case, investigated by the prosecutors of Rome for subversive association aimed at terrorism and aiding and abetting in relation to the hypothesis of disclosure of confidential material “acquired and / or elaborated by the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro”. In the meantime, two requests are pending before the Capitoline magistrate Valerio Savio, which will be examined when the activities are resumed: seizure decree, i.e. documentation relating to the Moro due commission, and a second instance that disputes the procedures for the seizure, deemed to go beyond the indications contained in the decree. of attack on freedom of research, in an article on his blog today reconstructs what he defines “the repeated leaks of confidential information ignored by the prosecutor” that have occurred in the three years of activity of the Moro 2 commission. researcher identifies “at least five episodes in which members of the commission disseminated on the med to news or confidential or secret documents “and tells them on the blog, papers in hand, in a very detailed reconstruction. “These violations, two of which occurred before December 2015, involved the dissemination of secret reports of three witnesses, two examined by the consultants of the commission and by the president himself, one audited in secret session by the commission itself, and two confidential information collected by the consultants “, writes Persichetti, stigmatizing how the” disclosure in the media “has” often occurred through a wisely selected use of excerpts and news such as to distort the very content of the information present in the minutes and documents “. “After five years of absolute inertia in front of the continuous leaks of news coming from within the Moro 2 commission, at the end of 2020 the prosecutor of Rome suddenly became interested in some of my emails – adds the former Br – It was about sending to a small circle of people of a few pages of the first draft of the annual report in which the abandonment of the cars of the Brigadier commando in via Licinio Calvo was addressed. The broadcast took place on December 8, 2015, less than 48 hours before its publication According to the prosecutor, that shipment constituted a leak of confidential documentation, despite being of a very different nature from the secret documents made public in the five episodes described above. The report is a political text, subject to amendments and final vote, which summarizes heads of hearings – already public – and the address of the investigations undertaken by the commission not an interrogation report or a r elation on investigations in progress written by consultants “.

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