Covid today Italy, Civil Protection and regional contagion bulletin 16 August

Data and news on hospitalizations, infections and deaths from Lombardy and Lazio, Sicily and Piedmont, Puglia and Campania. The numbers of big cities like Rome, Milan and Naples and the point on vaccines Today’s Covid Italy bulletin, Monday 16 August 2021, with data and news from the Civil Protection – region by region – on infections, hospitalizations, deaths. The numbers from Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Lazio and Campania while in the country the Delta variant is prevalent and we return to talk about the yellow zone risk for some regions, including Sicily and Sardinia. The situation in large cities such as Rome, Milan and Naples and the point on vaccines after the introduction of the mandatory green pass. The data of the regions: TUSCANY There are 527 coronavirus infections in Tuscany today, August 16, 2021, according to the data of the region bulletin anticipated by the governor Eugenio Giani on social media. “The new cases registered in Tuscany are 527 out of 5,887 tests of which 4,901 molecular swabs and 986 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 8.95% (19.7% on the first diagnoses)”, writes Giani, adding that vaccines currently administered are 4,521,932. “From today – he adds – the 12-18 year old group can go without reservation to the reference hubs to receive the first dose of vaccine”. PUGLIAS There are 103 coronavirus infections in Puglia today, August 16, 2021, according to data from the region’s bulletin . Since yesterday, there have been no deaths. New cases were detected on 5,905 tests. Currently positive people are 4,235. Covid patients hospitalized in a non-critical area are 136. In intensive care, however, 23 people.

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