Galli: “TV stop for 15 days, I have to work and study”

“Enough TV, for at least 15 days I have to work, study and do other things. I decided to get out of the way for a while”. Professor Massimo Galli, one of the most listened to voices in the covid emergency in Italy, enters the press silence. The infectious disease manager of the Sacco di Milano is preparing to suspend interviews and TV appearances, as he tells L’aria che tira su La7. “I have said what I had to say, if new extraordinary facts do not emerge, I frankly prefer to do without not only going on television but also giving interviews. Some gentlemen, present included, manage to elaborate absolute fake news by putting together contrasts that do not they exist by putting together bogus statements. I don’t want to feed the daily ballad “, he says in connection with the show in which the editor of Corriere della Sera and the editor of Libero, Luciano Fontana and Pietro Senaldi also participate.” One of the reasons why I don’t want to come and talk anymore and that I don’t want to talk about that word anymore “, says Galli, answering questions on the hypothesis of moving the curfew.” If you are convinced that the correct signal is that of a further ‘free all’, let’s give it well. I don’t want to be the keeper of purity… “, he says before dwelling on the numbers of the vaccination campaign. “In Italy 24.5 million doses have been administered, in Great Britain 53 million doses have arrived, with almost 18 million people totally vaccinated: they travel at 79 doses per 100 inhabitants against our 49.5. hope that a reduction in the number of patients will be reached, but this does not mean that we prevent the virus from circulating “, says Galli, before closing the connection. Have you changed your mind about the press blackout? “No, I can’t take it anymore.”