Terrorism, pm: “We hope in recovery Alice Brignoli”

“The sentence is not good for anyone, that was not the goal, but we really hope that this beginning of Brignoli’s recovery process can end in a positive way”. This is how Alberto Nobili, the magistrate in charge of the Milanese anti-terrorism pool, comments on the 4-year sentence, in the first instance trial with shortened procedure, for Alice Brignoli, the Italian foreign fighter arrested on 29 September 2020 for criminal association with of international terrorism. The woman fled to Syria in 2015 with her husband and children. Before the sentence, in a video link from the Piacenza prison, the defendant intervened to explain her current state. “I am no longer the woman I was for years now, I would never do what I did but I need to follow a path and in this I am greatly helped by the relationships with my four children” that she is allowed to feel every day Nobili reports, who speaks of “A path to recover an identity that had been lost along the way”. The search for the woman and her children, in which the Ros played a leading role, never stopped until the identification in the Al-halw camp, in northern Syria under Kurdish rule last September. “She thanked us, she realized how important the return to Italy was for her life and for the future of her children. Talking about the future from the field from which she comes is complex and complicated”, concludes the prosecutor Nobili.