“Criticalities have emerged on the application of the pandemic plan and criticalities have emerged on the activation of the red zone. These criticalities are being examined by the Bergamo prosecutor’s office. It is not certain that a criticality is necessarily criminally relevant. attorney “. These are the words of the virologist Andrea Crisanti, on the day he filed his super expertise in the Bergamo Public Prosecutor’s Office which reconstructs the first months of the pandemic and some of the crucial passages of those days of 2020 in Val Seriana, an area that was among the first in Lombardy to be overwhelmed by the Covid tsunami, in the first pandemic wave. “I was asked to do a simulation of what the impact of the red zone would be on transmission and mortality – explained the director of the Molecular Medicine Department of the University of Padua, interviewed by Adnkronos Salute – This has been done . But I will not give any details. Criticalities have emerged, the Prosecutor will evaluate them “. Meanwhile, Crisanti has given his availability to a new meeting in the Prosecutor’s Office next week “because after a first careful reading, the prosecutors may need to have clarifications”.