Covid-19 Occitania report: 9 out of 10 patients in intensive care are not vaccinated, 55% are under 64 – Midi Libre

The number of patients treated in critical care units is down for the second day in a row. Contamination stabilized at a very high level.

This Friday, January 14, the incidence rate is down slightly, although it is still at a worrying level, at more than 2,826.6 per 100,000 population.

Public Health France also counts 329,371 new infections this Friday. It is therefore the fourth consecutive day with more than 300,000 positive cases identified in 24 hours in France.

Furthermore, 196 deaths have been identified in French hospitals in the past 24 hours, for a total of 126,728 people who died from Covid-19 since the start of the epidemic.

Less used critical care services

In terms of hospitalizations, the number of patients in critical care services fell slightly for the second day in a row with 44 fewer patients since yesterday. There is therefore currently 3,895 covid patients in these departments.

However, 24,511 people remain hospitalized with a Covid infection, up from 357 on Thursday.

The balance sheet in Occitania

In the region, 1,945 hospitalizations in progress, 60 more than Tuesday. Of these patients, 378 are in intensive care and critical care, down slightly, in line with the national decline.

Covid balance sheet figures in Occitania.
ARS Occitania

We also deplore 55 deaths in 3 days, bringing the death toll to 6,015 Covid deaths in regional hospitals.

In intensive care, nearly 9 out of 10 are unvaccinated

In its report, this Friday, the ARS specifies that the number of people hospitalized in intensive care remains extremely high, “93% of intensive care beds are occupied” (all pathologies combined).

The regional health agency specifies that “47% of patients in intensive care are for Covid and nearly 9 in 10 are unvaccinated“.

“Among these patients 55% are under 64, 30% between 64 and 74 years old and 15% are over 75 years old” she concludes.