Consulcesi: ’50 thousand will have to give up becoming a doctor’

There are about 50 thousand young people who will be forced to postpone or give up the dream of wearing a white coat. Although the places available in the Italian medical faculties have increased by more than 700 units, out of over 60 thousand enrolled only 14,470 will make it. This means that only 1 in 4 students will have the opportunity to study to become a doctor. A sort of lottery, in which the best and most deserving does not always win, but often only the luckiest. “It is absurd, if we consider the serious shortage of doctors that characterizes our National Health Service”, says Massimo Tortorella, president of Consulcesi who, in a note, goes back to talking about the limited number in view of the medicine test now at the door. scheduled for tomorrow, 6 September. He does not convince the selection methods: “We have always asked for a more merit-based, transparent and fair selection – Tortorella remembers. Unfortunately, this is not the case, as confirmed by the irregularities, and also by the organizational messes, which every year lead to thousands of appeals through which over the years we have allowed numerous candidates, unjustly excluded, to enter Medicine “. ‘announced reform of the admission test for medicine. “Is there a reform underway? True, but it will only find its fulfillment next year and whoever designed it will most likely not be in government, so what can we expect? Yet another regulatory mess – he continues – probably, like the one that generated the current system in which access is increasingly becoming a question of ‘luck’ and the erroneous or non-existent planning of national needs is bringing our health system to its knees “. “If there is one thing that the pandemic has taught us it is that there cannot be a health system that works without an adequate number of trained health workers”, highlights Tortorella. “If in the future we don’t want to find ourselves with a few doctors, massacred by endless shifts, we must act first. That is, starting from the selection and training of doctors ”, he adds. At least until there are still tens of thousands of young people still interested in entering the medical profession. “We have a system that does not value our professionals”, Tortorella underlines. Hence the appeal of the president of Consulcesi to consider aspiring doctors as ‘people’ and not ‘numbers’ and renews his commitment alongside the many young people eager to become health professionals “. By putting his legal experts at the disposal of young people. . “Today we build the healthcare of tomorrow. The students we choose to train now, in fact, will be the doctors to whom we will entrust our lives tomorrow. The moment of selection, therefore, is crucial not only for children – he concludes – but also for our SSN. It is necessary to do the right thing: for the students, offering them the opportunity to fulfill the dream of becoming doctors; and for the Italians, guaranteeing them a health care made up of trained and deserving people “. On September 6, the legal Consulcesi they will be present in all Italian universities where medical tests will take place alongside candidates to provide information and ready to monitor the regularity of the test. withdrawn, unique initiatives to raise awareness of the issue will also be undertaken, which will have their highlight with a flashmob at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome. In the meantime, by accessing the portal it will be possible to have all the useful information in view of the test, including a vademecum to avoid the cancellation of the test. In view of the admission test to the degree course in medicine tomorrow, September 6, Consulcesi has developed a handbook for students with the list of 10 actions to avoid the cancellation of the test. 1) Do not forget to leave in the place indicated by the commissioners everything you have and which is expressly prohibited by the regulation, for example, the telephone, the calculator, the smartwatch, pens, pencils, etc; 2) Never use the answer form for notes, calculations or sketches; 3) Do not go out at the edges of the box you want to tick, because the answer form is corrected by an optical reader and a mark outside the box may not be recognized; 4) If you are wrong to answer, just black out the wrong box and put the X inside the right one. But beware: it can only be corrected once; 5) You can choose not to answer a question, if for example you have already corrected the question and would like to ask again. To cancel an application, it is necessary to cross the circle next to the application, bearing in mind that it will no longer be possible to change this choice. 6) in the event of missing forms, report the problem to the commission in time. Each package must contain: a) a form for personal data that the candidate must compile, without any identification code; b) the questions relating to the admission test bearing the identification code of the package as well as n. 2 sheets dedicated to draft; c) a reply form with the same identification code as the package; d) a sheet on which are affixed the identification code of the package as well as the indication of the university and the degree course to which the test refers. In the event that one or more candidates report irregularities regarding the package received, the chairman of the commission or the classroom manager checks its reliability and, if necessary, replaces the package. The operation must appear in the classroom minutes together with the relative reasons. 7) Make sure that the alphanumeric codes on the labels correspond. Each candidate must choose a pair of identical adhesive labels at the end of the test and place one of the two labels on the personal data sheet and the other on the answer form. The affixing of the labels must be the sole responsibility of the candidate who must, therefore, sign, at the bottom of the personal data sheet, the declaration of truthfulness of the personal data and correspondence of the codes of the labels applied to the personal data sheet and to the answer form; 8) The test must be completed exclusively with the black pen that the Examination Committee delivers to each individual candidate. 9) Immediately sign the personal data sheet 10) After the test, the sheets with the questions must be put back in the package together with the control one and deposited in a special box. While the answers go to the sealed box on which ‘Answers’ is written and the personal data sheet in the one with the word ‘Anagrafica’. All information is available on the portal.