Inps delivery services, the Lazio TAR agrees with Poste Italiane

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The Lazio Regional Administrative Court rejected the appeal presented by Fulmine Group for the cancellation of the tender for the delivery and management of INPS correspondence services, in which Poste Italiane participated. The Palermo postal operator – reported TGPoste in today’s edition – had challenged the obligation to guarantee a geographical coverage of 100% of the population and the impossibility of entrusting Poste Italiane, as supplier of the Universal Service, with the shipments to areas not covered independently. By implementing the defensive line of Poste Italiane and INPS, the TAR with sentence number 01742 of 12 August 2022 instead established that the subdivision of the contract into lots, together with the possibility of forming temporary groups of companies and subcontracting, have allowed all to compete on equal terms with Poste Italiane, safeguarding the protection of competition, the efficiency and the capillarity of the service. The decision of the administrative judge clears the field from the objections raised on several occasions also by the regulatory bodies, according to which, by imposing extended territorial coverage, the notices for the assignment of the delivery service would offer an unfair advantage to Poste Italiane.