Claudia Cardinale remembers Perrin: “ Our meeting on set Zurlini bound us forever ”

Claudia Cardinale remembers the French actor, producer and film director Jacques Perrin, who died in Paris at the age of 80. With him she acted in 1961 on the set of Zurlini’s ‘Girl with a suitcase’: “I remember meeting Jacques on Zurlini’s set – says the Cardinal contacted by Adnkronos – a film that for me was my real debut as a actress. It was a role that Zurlini sewed on me. ” The actress recalls that it was there that she met Jacques Perrin, on that set: “He was so young, so right, so sensitive – the Cardinal still remembers – Our meeting was strong enough to bind us for life. This summer we met. We had dinner together. “And she adds:” I never, never, never thought it was our last meeting. I can not believe it. I am deeply sad to have to say ‘goodbye’ to him. ” (by Alisa Toaff)