The password is ‘flexibility’, insurance changes its face

Italians are ready to experiment with new forms of mobility and it is for this reason that the insurance sector also changes its face in favor of the concept of multimodal mobility, which promises to be one of the trends for the coming years. Flexibility, in fact, is now a ‘must’, as revealed by the Bva-Doxa research for the ‘Change Lab, Italy 2030’ Observatory created by Groupama Assicurazioni, which wanted to investigate the main trends that by 2030 will change the habits of life of Italians. According to data from the Groupama Observatory, 31% of the sample interviewed feel the need for insurance linked more to the person than to the individual means of ownership; a policy capable of covering all trips, including those made through sharing services. This solution is especially popular with younger people, who would prefer it in 37% of cases, on an equal footing with the proposal to insure all owned means of transport in a single solution. “Our Company – says the CEO of Groupama Assicurazioni, Pierre Cordier – is studying with great attention the new emerging security needs. For some time we have been developing flexible and modular insurance solutions: ‘tailored’, tailored specifically to the needs of the individual. The phase that the whole country is going through after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic is marked by the consolidation of a new demand model: more conscious, mature and innovative styles of mobility emerge with greater clarity, oriented towards more marked forms of movement ‘green’, shared and intermodal “.” For this reason, as insurers, we thought about creating a product that could take all these factors into account, meeting the new needs of our customers. An insurance solution able to follow the person in all his movements (on foot, with owned or shared vehicles) and not the single means of transport. A 360 ° coverage, suitable for every type of need. It will soon be possible to subscribe in all the branches of our Group. It is our response to the need for change and new security that Italians feel in such a difficult historical moment ”concludes Cordier.