Monetize content with Twitter’s Tip Jar

Even on Twitter, users can receive tangible financial recognition for the quality and usefulness of their content. What is different from other social networks – where you earn thanks to advertising based on the popularity of the content – is the “peer to peer” payment system: thanks to the integration of Tip Jar within the Twitter profile, each user can decide to support your favorite content creator with a free donation. “We saw you leave the Paypal link after your tweet went viral. We’ve seen you release your Venmo for a birthday, or when you needed some extra help, now we’ve made it easier for you to support each other, ”wrote product manager Esther Crawford. Yes, because the practice of sending and receiving money via Twitter has existed for some time, but now it becomes an integrated feature in the platform. It is not yet available to everyone (the first discrimination is to use the social network in English) but soon, they announce from the headquarters, the possibility of leaving and collecting tips and donations will be progressively expanded. chosen, without any commission for the platform. At the moment, as methods, you can select Spaces (only on Android), Bancamp, CashApp, Patreon, Venmo and PayPal. The use of PayPal has raised some initial perplexity: just a few hours after the launch of the new function some users said they were concerned about the PayPal security protocol which necessarily includes the shipping address of those who send money. In practice, by sending a donation we also share our personal address with the recipient. Twitter’s response was immediate: it’s not our problem, but we can warn users to pay attention to what data is exchanged. Small adjustments aside, the most interesting element is the ontological difference of Twitter compared to other social networks. Fast and streamlined, but not superficial, it is the place where debates and news are published, much more than on Facebook or Instagram. It is the most cultured and richest social network (according to the demographic analysis of subscribers), it is the place where you go when something is being accessed in the world. The live tweet of events exceeds the capacity of any press organization in terms of timeliness and quantity of information, and it is free. The ability to remunerate our favorite content creators based on their quality, and with a conscious gesture (not passive like the mechanism that connects views and advertising), is what really makes the difference. In fact, the payment, using Tip Jar, takes place on a voluntary basis from user to user, and not as a form of subscription or with fixed prices. These are free donations (tips, in fact: tips) that reward the authors of the most interesting and engaging content and conversations.