Dance, the first Creative Residence for Artists was born in the ancient village of Vigonza

An innovative project of Creative Residences for Artists is activated for the first time in the province of Padua and precisely at the Quirino de Giorgio Theater and in the Historic Village of Vigonza, from 7 June. It is an ambitious project that aims to enhance artistic production, to create connections with urban and architectural spaces, which aims above all at young people and wants to give new life to the dance and performing arts sector. The Project A Tuttotondo Danza Creative Residences for Artists was born from the meeting and the synergy of some professional realities in the Padua area. Padova Danza as leader, with the collaboration of La Sfera Danza – International Dance Festival, Echidna cultural association and with the contribution and patronage of the Municipality of Vigonza.The project involves the involvement of choreographers and their interpreters and is mainly configured as a path of research and accompaniment with the aim of supporting the realization of choreographic projects, correlated by numerous appointments and other related activities including sharing open to the public to present the studies made and to involve them in the creative process. will be held in Vigonza, in the province of Padua, in important theatrical spaces such as the Quirino De Giorgio Theater, in unconventional spaces such as the Borgo Storico, and open spaces such as the adjacent Giardino della Pioggia, to experiment and create, to produce creative works of high artistic value, a project that stimulates unprecedented experiences in an ‘unexplored’ area towards the performing arts live and with a precise enhancement of places, artists intercepted through a call, launched throughout the national territory, are given the opportunity to develop their research and creative action in spaces, times and ways useful to enhance the artistic process. The call is aimed at young professional artists and dancers between the ages of 18 and 40. The A Tuttotondo Danza Residence is assigned to artists residing in Italy for a maximum of 4 participants per project. Individual dancers or groups of artists (one choreographer and three dancers for a maximum of four performers) can be nominated to initiate or complete performance projects. Projects will be favored where the artists will explore different approaches to the many possible relationships between choreography, architecture and history of the place with performances aimed at activating interactions between the place, its history and the community. The selected artists will take part in the project for 6 days, from Monday to Saturday, which will be divided into workshops, moments of experimentation, rehearsals open to the public and creation up to the staging of what is produced on Saturday. The artists will have hospitality, round trip travel from their place of residence, food, an economic contribution, in addition to the remuneration and availability for the day of scenic return, theater set up with dance floor, lighting and sound system, and assistance. technique, rehearsal room equipped if required, artistic support through tutoring and accompaniment to creation with expert choreographers, playwrights, light designers including Nicoletta Cabassi, internationally active choreographer and performer, multifaceted figure dancer, choreographer, performer, dramaturg, teacher , cultural operator, Stefano Tomassini, teacher of choreographic and dance studies, as well as Dramaturgy, forms and practices, at the Iuav University of Venice, dance critic for Artribune, Giacomo Casadei, light designer who boasts many years of experience in Italy and abroad, debut in showcases and ‘event evenings’ organized by the International Dance Festival ‘Let us dream’, at the end of the choreographic work. Thanks to the constant openness to dialogue, both with other artists and with operators and professionals in the sector active at a territorial, national and international level, the possibility of unprecedented experiences opens up for artists, all in an ‘unexplored’ area. to contribute to creating in Veneto a new reference point for culture and live entertainment, a springboard, a successful pilot experience, to make the city of Vigonza (Pd) with its wonderful spaces, a crossroads of exchanges cultural, with the intention of creating new synergies and promoting ideas and projects that offer more adequate and effective answers to the new questions raised by the need for a competitive repositioning of structures and social and cultural policies aimed at innovation. can be viewed on the Padova Danza website: