Covid: the pandemic is still not under control, warns the WHO – Sortaparis

By Caroline J. Photos by My B. Updated October 6, 2021 at 5:26 pm Posted October 6, 2021 at 8:38 am

While the covid-19 pandemic is slowing down in many countries thanks to vaccination, the WHO reminded this Tuesday, October 5 that the new coronavirus was still not under control.

The situation is still incredibly dynamic. And it is dynamic because we do not have control of this virus “. This is what the person responsible for managing the Covid-19 epidemic indicated to theWorld Health Organization (WHO), Maria Van Kerkhove, this Tuesday, October 5, 2021 during live exchanges on WHO social networks.

Although the circulation of the virus is slowing in several countries, thanks to vaccination, ” we are not out of the woods yet She alerted. ” We are completely in the middle of this pandemic. But where in the middle … we don’t know yet, because frankly we’re not using the tools we currently have to get closer to the end. She added. ” In some cities we see intensive care units and hospitals saturated and people dying while in the streets people behave as if (the epidemic) is completely over. », She alerted.

And the numbers are there to prove it. According to Maria Van Kerkhove, 3.1 million new covid-19 infections were recorded worldwide last week, as well as 54,000 deaths. For example, the Russia is currently facing an upsurge in the covid-19 epidemic. On October 1, the country recorded, for the fourth day in a row, a record number of daily deaths with 887 deaths in the past 24 hours. As a reminder, Russia has a low vaccination coverage rate, with only 29% of Russians fully vaccinated.

Also, Maria Van Kerkhove of the WHO said that ” the rate of hospitalization and death is far ” The highest ” among those who have not been vaccinated She said.

The person responsible for managing the Covid-19 epidemic atWorld Health Organization also recalled that covid-19 was not going to go away right away. ” The possibility of eradicating the virus, or even eliminating this virus on a global level has been lost from the start. It was lost because we did not, on a global level, attack this virus as vigorously as possible. », She confided.

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