Worthy of this century. See the renovated stadium in Štiavničky – PRAVDA.sk

Athletes of the Military Sports Center Dukla Banská Bystrica have a modern sports ground at their disposal since Tuesday.

  Reconstructed Dukla stadium on ...

Thanks to an extensive refurbishment with a total value of more than 14 million euros, the renovated SNP Stadium in Štiavničky meets current technical standards as well as the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) standards for international and national competitions and UEFA certifications for category 3 football stadiums.

On Tuesday, the Minister of Defense of the Slovak Republic, Jaroslav Naď, handed it over to athletes.

“I am extremely glad that after all the hard work and success achieved by the representatives of the military sports center for the resort and the whole of Slovakia, we can in turn provide them with better conditions for training in the form of a modern athletic and football stadium,” said Minister of Defense Jaroslav Naď.

VIDEO: Jaroslav Naď handed over the SNP Stadium in Štiavničky to athletes

He added that after the reconstruction, the SNP Stadium in Štiavničky will also serve regional sports clubs that show interest.

In addition, the modernized sports ground will be part of the European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) next year.

Roman Benčík, Matej Tóth Read more Tóth will be the new director of VŠC Dukla Banská Bystrica, Kaliská will also be in charge

“I believe that sports fans will be happy to come to the stadium and leave with an unforgettable sports experience,” added Naď.

Compared to the original plan, the reconstructed stadium has a larger number of sports grounds and also a newly built training stadium, which they opened in April this year.

The new football pitch with heated turf meets the criteria of UEFA category 3. The grandstand also underwent reconstruction, while its modification also required an increase in funding.

The reason was the increase in capacity from the originally planned 4,000 to a total of more than 7,000 seats and 30 seats for immobile people, as well as the associated completion of social facilities for the benefit of spectator comfort.

Matej Tóth (at the microphone) has been ... Photo: TASR, Ján Krošlák

SR B. Bystrica Stadium Athletic Reconstruction Opening BBX Matej Tóth (at the microphone) will become the new director of the Military Sports Center (VŠC) Dukla Banská Bystrica from 1 November. He will be replaced by Roman Benčík (left), in the picture on the right from the grand opening of the reconstructed Athletic Stadium SNP in Banská Bystrica is the Minister of Defense Jaroslav Naď.

The current management of the department insisted on changing the project so that the stadium would achieve the required parameters for the organization of international athletics and football events.

“I insisted on changing the project so that we could compete with European countries in terms of the size of sporting events. Although we had to increase funding, athletes and the public deserve a stadium worthy of this century, “Naď said in a press release.

As Roman Benčík approached, who will be replaced by the Olympic walking winner Matej Tóth as the director of VŠC Dukla Banská Bystrica, the reconstruction will significantly improve the conditions of athletes, especially for athletes, but also for the needs of fitness training of other included athletes.

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“It is not a matter of course that sport receives such attention and support from the founder, so I want to thank the Ministry of Defense on behalf of athletes,” said Benčík.

The SNP Athletic Stadium was inaugurated on August 22, 1959 on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the SNP.

Its reconstruction began symbolically on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the SNP, 60 years after its opening. SNP Stadium is the property of the Slovak Republic managed by VŠC Dukla Banská Bystrica.

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