Taliban illegally kill 13 ethnic Hammars – SME.sk

Together, the Taliban killed 13 people, nine of them after surrendering.

Oct 5, 2021 at 10:12 am TASR

CABLE. Afghan militant Taliban fighters killed 13 members of the Hazar ethnic group, mostly former soldiers. the human rights organization Amnesty International informed on Tuesday on the basis of its own investigation. Nine were killed after surrendering.

According to AP Amnesty International, she said that the Hazars were killed on August 30 in the village of Kahor in the province of Dankundi in the central part of the country. Their victims were 11 ex-engineers and two civilians, including a 17-year-old girl.

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Taliban denies killing

Hazar was killed about two weeks after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in a blitzkrieg, culminating in a takeover of the capital Kabul. Taliban leaders at the time sought to reassure Afghans that they were not going to impose the tyranny regime they had in the late 1990s.

The AP writes that Taliban spokesmen did not respond to its questions about the Hazars.

A Taliban-appointed police chief in Darkundi Province has denied any killings. He only said that a Taliban member was injured in a certain attack.

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What Amnesty International found out

Amnesty International reports that the Taliban took control of the province on August 14, and that 34 former soldiers with equipment and armaments agreed to surrender. The weapons malfunctioned in the presence of Taliban members.

According to an Amnesty International report, on August 30, about 300 Taliban fighters arrived at the village where these former soldiers were staying. When ex-officers tried to leave the area with their families, the Taliban caught up with them and opened fire, killing a 17-year-old girl.

One ex-engineer returned fire, killing one Taliban and wounding another. The Taliban continued firing, killing two soldiers. When nine others surrendered, the Taliban dragged them to a nearby river and killed them.

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