They protest against Jair Bolsonaro in at least 7 cities in Brazil

(CNN) – Protests against Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro took place in at least seven Brazilian cities on Saturday morning. Hundreds of people demonstrated in Rio de Janeiro, where protesters carried signs and wore T-shirts that read “Bolsonaro Out.”

Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Belém, Maceio, Goiania are other cities that hosted protests against Bolsonaro on Saturday morning.

Brasilia, October 2, 2021. Credit: Cicero Bezerra / Getty Images

The protests are estimated to have taken place in hundreds of cities in Brazil and abroad throughout Saturday, according to the “Bolsonaro Out Movement,” one of the organizers. Left parties, workers unions and social movements are the organizers of these events.

Protesters criticize the handling of the pandemic in Brazil, which is expected to reach a milestone of 600,000 deaths next week, and also worsening economic conditions. The country faces rampant inflation with rising unemployment and hunger.

Sao Paulo, October 2, 2021. Credit: Alexandre Schneider / Getty Images

Politicians such as the third candidate in the last presidential elections, Ciro Gomes, also participated in the Rio de Janeiro rally, as well as the leading opposition congressman Alessandro Molon. Brazilian opposition leaders call for a national front from different political spectra against the current government, while polls show former left-wing president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva ahead in the 2022 presidential race, followed by Bolsonaro.

Police have not reported an estimated number of participants, but the Rio de Janeiro rally took up a few blocks from the city center.

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