Doctor Kulkovský carried a vaccine lottery under the black ground: Wasted money! From this he is crying in hospitals –

Primary Kulkovský is sounding the alarm! FACTS: We are hospitalizing ever younger and unvaccinated people

“I confess that after the vaccine lottery became a reward, as it brought the vaccine to a minimum of the minimum of citizens and the mediation bonus had the same effect, my resistance to the remuneration for the vaccination deepened even more. I therefore do not understand the discussion on another form. remuneration when it is said that every vaccinated citizen would receive a sum, including those who have done so long ago, and I still cannot agree with paying for something that should be a matter of course, for something that a person We are then setting a dangerous precedent. Will we pay drivers in the future for giving them a passport? Cyclists for getting a helmet? … laid down Milan Kulkovský rhetorical questions, from which it is clear that, in his view, it would again be just a waste of money.

Source: SITA / AP Photo / Kirsty Wigglesworth

The money needs to be given to hospitals

Instead, he would like millions to go to hospitals, regardless of who is the founder. To make money for example, as investment incentives for the renovation of buildings and the purchase of new instrumentation. “Give them to hospitals to replace windows, buy new beds, insulate facades, repair leaking roofs. By investing in thermal insulation, reducing losses, hospitals will save huge sums of energy, which they will be able to reinvest again. When I see those old hospital buildings all over Slovakia, I’m crying in the winter, which heats everything around through centimeter holes in the windows. The amount of a minute for the lottery would be of great help to many hospitals. “ the primary thinks. And certainly many Slovaks will agree with him, who can no longer even look at the deplorable state of some medical facilities.

According to Milan Kulkovsky, the amount could be divided among individual hospitals according to the vaccination rate in their region. The more vaccinated, the more the hospital that cares for them will receive a total of their modernization. “I think it would be a pretty good motivation for sensible people. They would definitely regret a few euros of the reward if they knew that in case of hospitalization they would be lying on a new bed (not 20 years old), in a room with replaced windows, a building with repaired roof and insulated, renovated facade, “ added the primary, who believes that this would at the same time encourage citizens’ belonging and interest in public affairs. However, only time will tell whether the Ministry of Health will adopt this idea.

illustration photo
Doctor Kulkovský wore a vaccine

Source: SITA / AP Photo

The staff is missing, the lottery is a waste of money

In the comments under Kulkovský’s contribution, the head Jakub Hložník, who for many years heads the department of anesthesiology and intensive care medicine at the hospital on Antolská Street in Petržalka, also expressed his opinion. “Suddenly they have money, nothing for the paramedics. We have a lot of nurses leaving, we don’t have doctors and they didn’t give a euro to stabilize them, now we have run out of orders to reprofile beds, plus we have to provide for non-people and no one cares number of medics we can not cover the extra bed, they had half a year did not do anything just wasting money on lotteries, which still have no effect. Plus the “reform” = the liquidation of hospitals, “ Hložník pointed out a burning problem with a lack of medical staff, which, however, is still not systematically addressed.

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