CURRENT Regional Court ruled on elite NAKA investigators: Freedom for all! –

Updated at 10:44

The Regional Court in Bratislava ruled on the release of all accused investigators from custody. He justified his release from custody on the grounds that their prosecution was unjustified.

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

The regional court ruled from 9.00 am. The KS Senate decided under the leadership of Magdalena Blažová, President, and Senate members Mária Šimková and Danice Veselovská. As it was a closed session, no procedural parties were present at it – neither their defenders nor the supervisory prosecutor of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office (KP) in Bratislava were accused.

“The case in question – the complaints of the accused and the prosecutor, was submitted to the Board of Appeal in Bratislava for a decision on September 24,” said KS spokesman in Bratislava Pavol Adamčiak. Pursuant to the Criminal Procedure Code, the statutory time limit for a decision is five working days from the submission of the case for a decision.

Peter Scholtz, inspection

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

Petr Scholtz was taken into collusion by a judge for the preparatory proceedings of OS Bratislava III on 15 September. The judge previously ruled that NAKA investigators Ján Čurilla, Pavol Ďurka. and Milan Sabota will also be prosecuted. Milan Sabota was taken into collusion by a judge. Ján Čurilla and Pavel Ďurka were taken into custody by a judge for reasons of so-called collusive and preventive detention. Subsequently, on the second day of 16 September, the judge also took the fourth investigator, Štefan Mašín, into collusion.

archive video

Four investigators and Petr Scholtz were detained by ÚIS investigators on 13 September. They accused them of abusing the authority of a public official and the crime of obstructing justice. Two of them were charged in a criminal case with influencing the veracity of witness statements. ÚIS is currently headed by Martin Mackovič, Deputy Director. Peter Scholtz has led a police inspection since June 11 after former director Adrián Szabó was accused of accepting a bribe. He concluded an agreement on guilt and punishment with the prosecutor, and its approval is to be dealt with by the Specialized Criminal Court on 4 October.

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