Football: Pele left the hospital, but will undergo chemotherapy – franceinfo

On social networks, Pelé said he was “very happy” to return home after a month of hospitalization due to a colon tumor.

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The former legendary footballer Pelé, 80, was released Thursday, September 30, from the hospital where he was admitted a month ago to have a “suspicious” colon tumor removed. He will need to undergo chemotherapy.

When the road is difficult, celebrate every step of the way. Focus on your happiness. It’s true that I can’t jump anymore, but lately I’ve been throwing my fist in the air more often than usual. I am very happy to come home “, Pele wrote on his Facebook and Instagram accounts after being released from the hospital.

The three-time Brazilian world champion was admitted to hospital on August 31 for routine examinations where a “suspicious” colon tumor was detected. He was operated on four days later. The “King” of football then spent ten days in an intensive care unit, where he returned briefly a few days later due to breathing difficulties.

The hospital has issued very few official bulletins and there have been many rumors about the state of health of the one many consider to be the greatest footballer of all time. “His tumor probably has aggressiveness. The good news is that colon cancer, even with metastases, can be treated.”, told AFP oncologist Marco Saramago, who works in several medical centers in Rio de Janeiro.

The former Seleçao number 10, who will be 81 on October 23, has worried his fans on several occasions due to his fragile health. In April 2019, he was hospitalized in Paris due to a severe urinary tract infection. Back in Brazil, he had a kidney stone removed. At the end of 2014, Pelé had already suffered from a serious urinary tract infection and was placed in intensive care and on dialysis. He has only one kidney since the days when he was still a player. A broken rib during a match damaged his right kidney which was eventually removed.

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