Presidential 2022: three sequences to remember from the interview with Xavier Bertrand on France 2 – Franceinfo

He intends to go all the way. Xavier Bertrand, right-wing presidential candidate, assured, Thursday, September 30, on France 2, that he “deny” not his commitment to stand for election next spring. While calling on Valérie Pécresse, Michel Barnier or even Eric Ciotti to leave the field open to him before the Congress of Republicans, the president of the Hauts-de-France region unveiled “three measures” of its economic program. Here is what we can remember from his interview at “8:22 p.m.” from the 8:00 p.m. newspaper.

>> REPLAY. Watch Xavier Bertrand’s interview on France 2

LR Congress: other candidates asked to “rally” behind him

“I’m not afraid of competition but I want the victory.” Convinced that he is best placed on the right to reach the second round of the presidential election, Xavier Bertrand launched “a call to rally” behind him from “all candidates for primary” LR for the Congress of Republicans in early December. He thus suggested his refusal to participate in this congress if it was “source of divisions”, as was, according to him, the primary of the right in 2016, “who did not allow us to win”.

Low wages: a proposal for a “work premium”

Considering that the activity bonus, currently paid to “a little over four million households”, born “not working well”, Xavier Bertrand proposes to replace this device by “a work premium”. Paid by the company on the payslip and reimbursed by the State, this individual bonus would aim to “bring together” the net gross salary. This premium, not quantified, must relate to “all employees below 2,000 euros, that is to say half of the employees” and “all independents” earning less than 2,000 euros. A person with the minimum wage would receive “more than two months of salary more”, he said, and “no longer any full-time employee will receive less than 1,500 euros”.

Xavier Bertrand announces the creation of a

Purchasing power: a “Macron premium” with Bertrand sauce

Xavier Bertrand also advocated a “better sharing of value in our society”, with, in companies with less than ten employees making a profit, the possibility of“a premium, without tax and without charge, up to 2,000 euros per year”.

Xavier Bertrand announces the implementation of a bonus of 2,000 euros for each employee in beneficiary companies with fewer than ten employees

The candidate finally proposed to “completely free up working time”, with “an increase from the 35th hour” worked. “No tax, no charge. It will allow you to work more”, he said.

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