Spicy revelation! PHOTO Putin hired Daria sex bomb on Trump, she was supposed to distract him – Topky.sk

She was an amateur salsa dancer brought in by Russian President Vladimir Putin to distract Donald Trump during the G20 meeting in 2019, the Daily Mail writes. Thirty-six-year-old Daria Boyarskaya was commissioned to attend a meeting of world leaders in Osaka, Japan, but Putin allegedly did not hire her for her language skills.

Source: YouTube / VOA News

Instead, he hoped the long-haired brunette would serve as a distraction during his conversation with the 45th president, former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a forthcoming book.

Spicy revelation!  PHOTO Putin

Source: YouTube / VOA News

During the meeting, Boyarskaya was photographed with world leaders in blue clothes with her hair down. According to The New York Times, administration expert Fione Hill was suspected of the presence of a bilingual beauty.

Spicy revelation!  PHOTO Putin

Source: Profimedia

“When the meeting started, Fiona Hill leaned over and asked me if I noticed Putin’s translator, who was a very attractive brunette with long hair, a pretty face and a beautiful figure.” Grisham wrote. “Then she told me she suspected the woman had been chosen by Putin to distract our president.”

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According to his social media, Boyarskaya regularly works in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is believed to live at least in part in Vienna, where the congregation resides.

Spicy revelation!  PHOTO Putin

Source: Profimedia

At the meeting, the beauty, who presents herself with scantily clad photos, gave herself a less challenging outfit. In other photos, she poses in a beaded dress that requires little imagination. in other shots he has a short-cut leather dress, gold chains around his neck and red-painted nails.

Spicy revelation!  PHOTO Putin

Source: Profimedia

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to the report, denying any role for Putin in choosing Boyarskaya as a secret weapon.

Spicy revelation!  PHOTO Putin

Source: Profimedia

“Interpreters are provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the request of the presidential administration,” said Peskov. “Putin himself is not involved in this process.”

Spicy revelation!  PHOTO Putin

Source: Profimedia

In fact, this was not the first time Putin had used Boyarskay to translate a meeting with the US president. Prior to the Trump-Putin talks in Japan, the same interpreter was deployed in 2016 at a meeting between Putin and then-US President Barack Obama in Hangzhou, China.

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