Carlos insists, we will have to wait for the duel with the Pirate: I’m sorry about the fans … – Š

Carlos Vémola Source: Octagon MMA

BRATISLAVA – Currently, it is much more likely that the expected duel of the Pirate with Vémol will take place on December 30, 2021 in Prague, than that the problematic issues will be resolved by the mentioned date. Vémola insists on his own that he will enter the octagon against the Pirate in Prague only in the home part. Vémola has even managed to apologize to the fans.

The problem is the fact that the Pirate as a temporary champion should enter the part of the octagon in which the champion or home fighter will introduce himself, which Vémola cannot accept. The fact that he lost his belt due to failure to meet the weight limit, according to the Czech fighter, does not mean that he does not deserve respect from the organization in this regard. “The Octagon has said that this is a problem between me and the Pirate and that there will be a struggle. It is not so, such things are not solved in large organizations on social networks but internally. You saw from the Pirate’s speech that it was not a solution at all. in these matters principled and Ondro (Novotný) knows. I’m most sorry for the fans who bought the tickets. This should have been agreed earlier. We didn’t agree on that. “

“If I’m number two in reserve, let them do the tournament without me. I have an incredible injury, I have a baby, my daughter will have a birthday, sometimes you have to say stop. Before the match with Attila, I will start in the blue corner with me Ondro I also agreed, also because I had respect for Attica, then Ondro solved it with me and now I don’t have any respect for the Pirate, if they give him three extra crowns in another organization, he goes to fight with the retired Kareš. “Who else from Oktagon could afford it? The pirate is a fake Champ, everyone who saw the match knows he lost to the Pole, they gave him the match.” revealed Vémola in his “live” on the instagram. At the same time, Karlos stated that he will only stand in the blue part of the octagon in Slovakia, where the Pirate will be at home. In this respect, it is so probable that Vémola already expects that their mutual duel will take place after the new year.

  • The author: © List
  • Source: sportswear

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