Covid-19: the government will offer to be able to use the health pass until next summer, announces G – Franceinfo

“What we are going to propose to Parliament is to maintain the possibility of resorting to it for several more months, until the summer,” announced the government spokesperson on Wednesday.

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The measure should remain active for several more months in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic. The government will offer the possibility of using the health pass until the summer of 2022, announced the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, at the end of the Council of Ministers, Wednesday, September 29.

“We must give ourselves the means for several more months to have the possibility of resorting to measures if it is necessary to protect the French”, defended the spokesperson. “He There is a bill that will be presented to the Council of Ministers (…) which provides for the possibility of using these tools, these devices for several more months “, even if “Obviously, our wish is not to have to resort to it”. “What we are going to propose to Parliament is to maintain the possibility of using it for several more months, until the summer,” said Gabriel Attal.

The health pass, initially scheduled until September 30, was subsequently extended until November 15, recalls the site

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