Ahmad Massoud, leader of the resistance in Panchir, says he is ready to discuss with the Taliban

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Ahmad Massoud, leader of the resistance against the Taliban, said on Sunday that he agreed to “continue negotiations” to end the fighting in the Panchir valley, the last major hotbed of armed resistance to the new masters of Afghanistan .

The leader of the resistance to the Taliban in the Panchir Valley, Ahmad Massoud, welcomed, Sunday, September 5, the proposals of religious leaders for a negotiated settlement to end hostilities with the Islamists in power in Afghanistan.

Ahmad Massoud, head of the National Front of Afghan Resistance (FNRA), made the announcement via Facebook after several days of fighting in the Panchir. In this mountainous region north of the capital, Kabul, where a core of opposition forces have gathered since the Islamist militia took power on August 15.

The Taliban had earlier announced that they had reached the provincial capital of Panchir, Bazarak, after securing the surrounding area.

“The FNRA accepts the principle of solving the current problems, of immediately ceasing the combat and of continuing the negotiations”, declared Ahmad Massoud, son of the famous commander of the Panchir mujahideen, assassinated in 2001 by jihadists.

“Stop the fighting” under conditions

“To achieve a lasting peace, the FNRA is ready to stop the fighting provided that the Taliban also cease their attacks and military movements on Panchir and Andarab”, he added, referring to a district of the neighboring province of Baghlan.

Afghan media reported a meeting of ulemas, Muslim theologians, calling on the Taliban to accept a negotiated settlement to end the fighting in Panchir.

Kabul’s new masters did not immediately comment. On Saturday, the Italian aid group Emergency said the Taliban had managed to reach a hospital it manages in the Anabah district, inside the valley.

The fundamentalist militiamen have already announced that they have taken control of Panchir, but the clashes have continued, each side announcing heavy losses in the opposing camp.

With Reuters

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