DIRECT. Presidential election: Pécresse, Mélenchon, Zemmour … follow this back-to-school weekend – Franceinfo

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3:44 p.m. : “We are faced with a choice of civilization, finance or existence, and we make the choice of existence, of human being.”

At the PCF summer universities in Aix-en-Provence, the party’s national secretary says he wants to “liberate France and regain control of the economy”. He assures not to go “in this election to make up the figures”.

2:08 p.m. : In front of some 500 activists The Republicans gathered in pre-re-entry in La Baule (Loire-Atlantique), Michel Barnier ensures that he does not “will not participate in any division” of his camp. “Not everyone is here, everyone is not far”, he had minimized, on his arrival, about the absence of several party figures.

(Baptiste Roman / Hans Lucas / AFP)

2:16 p.m. : Here are the main titles at 2 p.m.:

• The right is presented in dispersed order for its political return. While Xavier Bertrand still refuses to take part in a primary, Valérie Pécresse claims that there is “nothing more democratic than the primary to designate a single candidate”. Follow our direct.

• For the seventh consecutive weekend, tens of thousands of people demonstrate in France to oppose the health pass. The authorities expect a further decline in mobilization figures, which attracted 175,000 people last Saturday. Follow our direct.

• France has ended its evacuation operation of nearly 3,000 French and Afghans, last night. Faced with the Islamic State group, “we must not let our guard down”, warns Emmanuel Macron, in Iraq, before a summit on the situation in the Middle East.

• The French harvest is accelerating in Tokyo. The French delegation won nine new medals today, including a gold for Alexis Hanquinquant in the triathlon. With 19 medals, including three gold, France is 13th in the ranking of nations. Follow our direct.

2:03 p.m. : The primary is a way to decide between candidates if there is not a single natural candidate. “

Implicitly targeting Xavier Bertrand, who refuses to engage in a primary on the right, the president of the Ile-de-France region judges “logic of playing together”. According to her, on France Bleu Limousin, there is “nothing more democratic than the primary to designate a single candidate”.

13:14 : The aperitif goes on forever or are you bored on the way back from vacation? Take the time to read one of our best articles of the day:

• Our journalist Clément Parrot examines Xavier Bertrand’s solitary strategy, who still refuses to take part in the primary of the right.

• In report at the summer universities of La France insoumise, in the Drôme, Mathieu Lehot reports to you the apprehension of activists a few months away from Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s “der des ders”.

• Less than two weeks beforeopening of the trial of the November 2015 attacks, Catherine Fournier describes to you the enormous machine set in motion by the judicial world to organize this “marathon”.

12:30 p.m. : For her part, in Blois (Loir-et-Cher), Anne Hidalgo participates in the summer school of the Socialist Party and is still testing her presidential clothes, outside her Parisian election grounds. Journalists from Figaro and of The Dispatch try to follow her into town.

12:20 : “I cannot tell myself that Jean-Luc will not be President of the Republic.”

According to this activist met in the Drôme, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who announced that the 2022 campaign would be his last, has every chance. Others are more pessimistic, like Françoise, who comes to wonder “what’s the point of campaigning”.

12:17 : On the side of La France insoumise, we hold its summer university in Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, in the Drôme. On site, our journalist Mathieu Lehot was able to observe theapprehension of activists before the “der des ders” of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the presidential election, faced with the division of the left and the risk of abstention.


12:09 : The far-right columnist Eric Zemmour participates in the summer school of the right-wing party Objectif France, according to a journalist from the Parisian.

12:09 : The right is making its comeback in dispersed order. While the Republicans are meeting in La Baule (Loire-Atlantique), Valérie Pécresse brings together her movement, Libres, in Brive (Corrèze), while waiting, tomorrow, for the traditional ascent of Mont Mézenc by Laurent Wauquiez, in Haute-Loire. It is the deputy Eric Woerth who sums up the situation best.

10:38 : Many on the right think that Xavier Bertrand will find it difficult to hold his solitary position until the end. “He hoped to get enough lead so that the others could not catch up with him, with the secret hope of being placed in the second round by the polls, but it was missed.”, judge Brice Hortefeux. I tell you the match between the candidates of the right.

10:38 : Since the announcement of Valérie Pécresse’s candidacy, Xavier Bertrand is no longer the only one to occupy the media space on the right. “The action of Valérie Pécresse this summer created the match”, welcomes Patrick Stefanini, campaign director of Valérie Pécresse, candidate since the end of July.

10:36 : The cast is refined on the right for a possible primary. Michel Barnier and Eric Ciotti this week joined Valérie Pécresse and Philippe Juvin in the presidential race. And if Xavier Bertrand still refuses to participate in a primary, I will explain how the pressure in this direction is increasing on the president of the Hauts-de-France region.


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