At an event in Pamplona, Yolanda Díaz assured that “everyone fits in Sumar, we don’t ask anyone for a card” Yolanda Díaz, who did not name Podemos in her speech, assured that the Sumar platform wants us to “think a common project for our country”The vice president has affirmed that Sumar “is going to do things differently, yes, slower, with more patience”The second vice president of the Government, Yolanda Díaz, has affirmed this Tuesday that she is willing to give “one step forward” with its Sumar platform, but she has warned that this platform “is not anyone’s complement”. to anyone, there can be people who come from different partisan realities, people who come from different unions, from different professional associations, from NGOs, from social organizations in our country, because this is what is generating hope in our country”. Then, she told the attendees, some 400, that “not only do I find hope, but I think there is desire, that is what I am seeing throughout Spain”. “If you and you want to add, if you do what you are already doing, Adding is already unstoppable, Adding is you and you, you are unstoppable, there is no turning back, we are going to continue adding. If you want to add, I am going to take a step forward, but yes, collectively, in a feminist way, with you and you, we are going to add”, she assured. Yolanda Díaz, who did not name Podemos in her speech, assured that the Sumar platform wants us to “think a common project for our country, that we stop, that we are not in a hurry, that we do it seriously, with everyone inside, there is no one left, all the people are missing, we have to become a lot of people in our country, we have to do it patiently, calmly, slowly”. Yolanda Díaz has assured that Sumar “is not the complement of anyone, Sumar thinks of a big country, Sumar wants to beat the right, but it is not about beating the right, beating the right is to propose societies that look to the past do, it is bipartisanship, our societies are not two, they are many more”. The vice president has affirmed that Sumar “is going to do things differently, yes, slower, with more patience, but in a deeper way, more serious, not by headlines, by petty politics, we don’t engage in politics to make headlines, we engage in politics to change people’s lives, we don’t engage in petty politics, we are fed up with petty politics, which makes nothing but noise, which confronts us, that scatters us, little politics like the one that does nothing more than make us listen to barbarities every day”. Afterwards, Yolanda Díaz stated that “I have just heard authentic barbarities from the PP, the PP tells us, once again, defending its real model, which is against the misnamed status of the intern in our country, because the PP says that for young people in our country to set foot in a company they have to continue being slaves and we tell them loud and clear from Sumar that model h It has failed, that this model is the past”. During her speech, Yolanda Díaz defended that “Sumar is a citizen movement that what it wants to do is build a country project for the next decade, a country project for the 21st century “. “It’s up to us to raise a country project from several hands for our country now and in the present, and for that we need all the intelligence, all the hands and all the affections”, she has affirmed.