She did it at the presentation of her book, ‘Ocho Señales’ She got on stage and asked her boyfriend Pablo to marry her “Finally I have a person who really loves me”, said Noelia Míguez survived, at 22 years old, a brutal macho attack. Her ex-boyfriend tried to suffocate her while she slept and then stabbed her eight times with scissors. After that traumatic event, which occurred in 2015, this young woman from Boqueixón (A Coruña) has managed to rebuild her life. A few days ago, before dozens of people, Noelia publicly asked her current partner, Pablo, to marry her. She has been with him for five years and with him she has discovered what she did not know before: what a healthy relationship is. That marriage proposal came during her book launch, 8 Signs. A matter of life or death, in which she recounts the signs of the mistreatment she suffered with the aim of helping other victims of sexist violence. In the final moments of the act, Noelia took the microphone and brought Pablo up on stage. She did it to point out to the attendees that, despite everything she says in that book, not all men are bad. And, also, for something else. “Now, finally, I have a normal relationship. A person who really loves me, ”she said before the attendees. After an emotional declaration of love, Noelia knelt down, took out her ring and asked Pablo to marry her. To applause from family, friends and neighbors… He said yes. “You can get out of this” Noelia wants to send a positive message to those women who, like her, have experienced sexist violence first-hand and have managed to survive it. “You can get out of this,” she says. Noelia has been able to resume her life seven years after that episode and after many hours of psychologists. “The hardest thing for me is being aware that she was a battered woman and telling others about it,” she explains. Giving talks at schools and associations and explaining to others what had happened to her was therapy for her and writing her book was a form of liberation. “I thought: I am going to tell what many women have not been able to.” Eight signs is what happened to Noelia told in a book. “It is the story of a woman who was mistreated. Chapter by chapter, I am counting all the signs that there are in an abusive relationship, ”she says. “Men are wonderful” With this book she intends to help other women identify what is not normal in a relationship. “With only one person feeling identified, I am already satisfied. Because abuse is not just being sinned. It is also the psychological crush, but that is something that is much more difficult to see, ”she explains. Noelia, even with the scars of what she lived through, is today a positive, empowered and happy woman. With Pablo she has discovered that love does not hurt. “Now I see how toxic my previous relationship was. Pablo has taught me to see what a real man is,” she says. Despite what she experienced, Noelia wanted to make it clear in the act of presenting her book that she does not feel hatred towards men. “Because men are wonderful, but there can always be some old grape in the middle,” she says.