The People Foundation investigates the exclusion of a group of young people with disabilities from a bar in Valladolid

The premises in Valladolid where the events occurred According to the volunteers who accompanied the young people with disabilities, the premises denied them entry Those responsible for the bar assure that the reason was that there was a “private party” Those affected deny it. “We are full-fledged active citizens”, they say about what happened The People Foundation investigates what happened in an entertainment venue in Valladolid where a group of people with intellectual disabilities had apparently been denied entry. “This isolated event deserves us all attention”, he expressed in a statement published on his Twitter profile. Likewise, this entity indicated that it is compiling complete information on what happened in said establishment “to continue taking future steps towards full inclusion.” In that sense , the People Foundation maintained that it carries out inclusive leisure activities “every day with total normality and positive attitudes from all of society. “People with intellectual disabilities are active citizens with full rights,” he added. Those responsible for the establishment, El Buzón en San Lorenzo street, they have assured that “it was all a misunderstanding”, that the reason why they were not allowed to enter is because “there was a dismissal bachelor party” and they did not let any person pass “who was not invited”, according to the testimony published by the North of Castile. They explain that the group was informed that it was a private party “with a lot of alcohol and revelry” and with a “bad atmosphere”, for which they have denied any discrimination. The owners of the bar have insisted that these people “have gone more times and they have never been prevented from accessing the premises”, at the same time that they have remarked that they have been “treated like other people”. To settle the controversy, they have wanted to publicly invite this group to the premises again and hold a private act for them: “They are invited to come, enjoy and drink whatever they want because from here we are aware that both they and we are equal people “.