The sinking of the Sewol ferry: the other great tragedy that shook South Korea in 2014

Among the more than 300 fatalities there were 250 Korean students The last moments of the sinking were recorded by the victims themselves The deceased stayed in their cabins obeying the orders of the crew A shipwreck, which occurred on April 16, 2014, which caused the resignation of the first South Korean minister, Jung Hong-won. 476 people were traveling in Sewol, of whom only 172 survived, with more than 300 dying. Among the fatalities were 250 students from Ansan Danwon High School who were traveling, along with other classmates and teachers, to the holiday island Jeju, located in the south of the country, to spend four days there. The vessel, as revealed by the investigation, was carrying twice the legal limit of its load. The last moments of the shipwreck were recorded in the videos recorded by the victims themselves. In them you could hear how the crew ordered passengers to stay in their cabins as a security measure. The culture of obedience in the country meant that, despite the fact that the ferry was listing and the water was flooding the cabins, no one left them. The crew, including the captain who gave the order to stay on the ship, jumped into the sea to save his life while the minors hit the windows of their cabins to attract the attention of the rescue services. It is now 7 years since the Sewol tragedy.
The Sewol shipwreck took place on April 16, 2014.
The ferry boarded 325 students + 14 teachers from DaWon High School (which is located in Ansan) apart from approx. 100 more people traveling on personal business +— 定め: 네일리ˡᵒᵛᵉˢ ᴺᶦ⁻ᴷᶦ ✡ ♡ (@moarmyengene3) April 15, 2021 A tragedy that shocked Korea and now returns to the mind of the South Korean people with the tragic stampede that occurred in Seoul. My God, how terrible, how many people, how many lost, such a magnitude of event has not been seen since “Ferry Sewol” 💜😔🙏— Mily Ortiz 💜🐨 🐹🐱🐿️🐤🐻🐰 (@ortizmiriam326) October 30, 2022 ‘We are dead’At the beginning of the year Netflix premiered ‘We are dead’ series that became, shortly after its launch, the third most watched non-English speaking series of the history of the platform. A series inspired by the tragic event that occurred off the South Korean coast and in which moments similar to those experienced by the students of Ansan Danwon High School are collected. The videos recorded for their relatives before they died, the hope of being rescued, the abandonment suffered by the adults who were in control of the situation or the presence of yellow ribbons similar to those used to remember the victims, all refer to what happened. on the Sewol ferry.