In Toulouse, Sandrine Rousseau explains how to “deconstruct”

The essential The ecofeminist MP was in Toulouse on Tuesday to talk about deconstruction. It is for her to bring to light the unthought that structures our society… to change it. “She’s a great headliner, she’s good for women, even if I find her a little dangerous in these positions on the private sphere”… Like Annie, a retired tax collector, they and they, young and old, many came this Tuesday to the Théâtre des Mazades to hear the Green MP Sandrine Rousseau talk about “deconstruction”, the theme of the current debate organized as part of the Toulouse Artistic Biennale. “To deconstruct is to see the submerged part of the iceberg, to make visible the unthought that structures our society and that we never question,” she explains. For example, the provision of women’s bodies. These things perceived by everyone that we manage. Incidentally, Sandrine Rousseau also wants to deconstruct her own media image. His caricature? “I’m not just talking about feminism,” she suggests. Why am I being referred to this anyway? We do not want to hear the ecological radicalism that I carry. It’s a way of making my speech invisible. However, when we speak of domination, we speak of ecology. We can no longer degrade nature, nor human beings. If we want to move towards a major ecological transition, we cannot be satisfied with gadgets. We must review the foundations of society organized by a minority to take, use and throw away, without worrying about the consequences”. “We don’t have time to be polite with the system” Sandrine Rousseau bets on other values: respect, solidarity, care… And intends to continue the fight. “I’m not afraid of anything,” she said. We have to stop being afraid. As soon as we are afraid we forbid ourselves things. In this case, there will be no ecological transformation without a profound revision of the place of women in society”, she assures. By also focusing, in his daily practice, on deconstructing politics (and politics). “There is a code of language, of outfits to which we must conform. Ecology is about having another way of being and questioning the notion of power”. As for the controversy over men and barbecues, she assumes. “As soon as we know that we will have to reduce our meat consumption from 70 to
80%, as the IPCC experts tell us, we look at who eats it and it turns out that it is men who consume it the most. It is an observation”. Or deconstruction by example. “It’s exciting to look at what’s in the cupboards, to open them and clean them”… Sandrine Rousseau still asserts her radicalism: “We have a few months to act. We don’t have time to be polite to the system.”

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