Russian rapper (†27) after declaring mobilization: SUICIDE… He left a chilling message! –

As DailyMail reports, 27-year-old Russian rapper Ivan Vitalievich Petunin, who performed under the stage name Walkie, committed suicide. His motionless body was found on Friday in a high-rise building in Krasnodarsk. The reason why he resorted to such an act is really sad – he wanted to avoid compulsory mobilization into the Russian army. Shortly before his death, he informed about it on the Telegram social network, where he left a message. He expressed that he did not want to “kill someone’s whims”. It is interesting that Petunin served in the Russian army in the past, but was then hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic. “While you are watching this video, I am no longer alive. I cannot commit the sin of murder and I don’t want to,” he said. He also feared that partial mobilization might soon grow to as many as a million men being drafted into the war. “I have two hands, two legs, I have a finger to squeeze the trigger of a machine gun,” he says in the chilling video. “I have no right to pull the trigger. I’m not ready to pick up a gun and kill those I love. Forgive me all who love me,” he said. Before the mobilization, almost 200,000 men fled from Russia. Some flew out of the country or fled to neighboring states, but others also resorted to such desperate measures as, for example, breaking their arms or legs. Photo gallery (3) Source: Instagram