Marián Labuda’s parents chose the bride. But he followed his heart and chose the dancer Vierka – Dobré noviny

He rarely needed a whisperer in the theater, but it was different in his personal life – he spent his whole life with one. Marián Labuda Sr. was one of the most popular actors in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We know him from many great films, but he played many exceptional roles in the theater as well. It was there that he met Vierka, who whispered lines to distracted actors, but before that she was a cabaret dancer. They were fatefully connected with their love, they were everything to each other. Marián Labuda st. with his wife Vierka. Photo: Profimedia Height never bothered her Marián and Vierka met in the Military Art Ensemble. He was a young soldier and during his military service, together with Stan Dančiak, Milan Lasic and Július Satinský, they entertained the soldiers in the barracks. Vierka was a talented dancer and danced in cabaret for years. “She was a civilian employee and was also assigned a studio apartment. She saw that I was still hungry as a soldier, so she lured me to the kitchen,” Marián Labuda recalled of their meeting. However, Vierka knew him before. He bewitched her in the movie Neprebudený, where he confessed his love for Ida Rapaičová. Two weeks later, she met Marián in the ensemble and was completely shaken. “I thought it was a hallucination,” she revealed to Katolícke noviny. Vložený príspevok z Facebooku: 3nyGPbLtBhNl79RuzE4zDZSYa5m8U3FdDQQWqVHn3rTEE1RsfDJ-25_7BDZ_p3xz7OCa6NAObHAWlCck2zw32fZK-tPrtREB7SiUW-EoS8PHdXyEDfEwwJEuL71lZwigOIRcgGG5gE6Pc7fvDOX9fqvs0LB9I2Lg40xnXAN_JeuCJvOFaVwEXNUQV9FEKG9A2pwymFLhjx2LuXFb_tml8zlOejiX52zraLdGvpv_qjozVz8R3krk7yyyskp5P57bsRitKGMSbHfovVSt8fWJw7iMKk1Fp JDmiph_3oFGdec0-ZN-ZQbIzFx5p2ICS94SzaaJqt5xYSRi1ysmaNKmFnMM45BkVb3feruvKcMri8k9ZKCW3J3HAV5_KmAdKNY5-Qu3nEEDPVy1_y4vDajiLs5DqmJfj123PiBOjC4pQMqK1nN__bJsgqYKNsSx3g8VOeUd. “Could I invite you for a coffee?” asked the young actor, who initially scolded his colleague. He invited her for coffee, wine and lunch, but the young dancer at first flatly rejected him. She did not want an actor who was known throughout Czechoslovakia to pay for her. In the end, he convinced her, but under one condition. Sometimes he paid, sometimes she paid. “Let’s be friends, but let’s pay each other’s debts,” was the motto that Viera wanted to follow. Vložený príspevok z Facebooku: D_3P9EXhg3TqqhY6JbKgzmbWmKkQhKGJQGJQ8sRIzNFcazCScmIlGyLMBxvYVkRqmzqTNpUbdKrNLOxC4o_jYsdNV-x0OOd5iWh0cTXvXY3D-ciys4hzvOLgpZL_oez8yQlYznGu0TvBDns2YUTZCJklYsJdWbbKNIlgtP0RjyRw6WsLNTxu1ns9qnMFJ0NrEByXJDj9iWvgdJZhACEmRMW86ua4UF7e2X01LuFR7WSsvpqyri_T8Xp1Uerw1IFcbh Netrvalo dlho a mladý herec sa stal jej partnerom. She didn’t mind the fact that he was several centimeters shorter than her. “He is one of those artists who are small in height but big in personality,” she said fondly of him. At the same time, because of his height, he had trouble getting into the College of Performing Arts. When the actors from the commission asked him how tall his father was, he understood that they might not accept him because of his short stature. “I felt the insidiousness of this question, so I added a good 20 centimeters to my father,” Labuda recalled the day he tricked the teachers. He was accepted and finished school with a red diploma. Vložený príspevok z Facebooku: Cw8glKW60DTvKr9_1MdaKI302k5H1CGmzi1Yx6gLJ6JqxtIG-uOHGcxUpivd_57mozC5X_RFptOEP4-Kc67Id1ciXL67QPKFOFPLk8Rh9iUjWemX4cfAD3va7MDFPw7FF6NtWgNaylo8odTeNtQihzWxgl6hMY4s3Y5Xe JcWA8eHOVAK-qHubsDATS3smqyYi The bride was supposed to be a rich woman from the next village. Friend Viera went to all his performances and they went to the theater together even when he was not acting. Acting and theater boards were his whole life. The theater was his wife, the film rather his lover. Parents had mixed feelings about the acting school, especially mom Anna Labudová had her doubts. An acquaintance told her that the school is full of actresses and ballerinas and is a hotbed of vices. When she learned that Marián had been dating a cabaret dancer for four years, she could only say one thing: “Don’t even go home until you’re alone.” The article continues on the next page:

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