Visa pour L’image: Three weeks in the hell of Mariupol, Evgeniy Maloletka wins the Visa d’or News 202 – L’Indépendant

The Visa awards distinguished the cream of this 34th edition of the international photojournalism festival. Here is the list. Visa d’or of the international daily press: Mads Nissen for Politiken.

Visa d’or News: Evgeniy Maloletka / Associated Press for reporting from Mariupol, Ukraine. Visa d’or Magazine: Brent Stirton / Getty Images for National Geographic for his work on bushmeat: the origin of epidemics. Humanitarian golden visa from the International Committee of the Red Cross: Sameer Al-Doumy /AFP for his report Les routes de la mort on the migration crisis in northern France. Visa d’or de l’Information numérique franceinfo: Africa Cities Rising by Max Bearak, Dylan Moriarty and Julia Ledur. A project published by the Washington Post. Figaro Magazine honorary visa d’or: Alain Keler: Myop.
Visa d’or from the City of Perpignan Rémi Ochlik: Lucas Barioulet for his coverage of the war in Ukraine for Le Monde. Canon Female Photojournalist Fellowship: Natalya Saprunova / Zeppelin.
Canon grant for short-film video documentary: Irene Baqué.
Grant for new urban photography, supported by Google: Philémon Barbier / Collectif Hors Format. ANI-PixTrakk Prize: Hervé Lequeux.
Pierre & Alexandra Boulat Prize: Laura Morton.
Photo Prize – Yves Rocher Foundation: Alain Schroeder.
Carmignac Prize for Photojournalism: Fabiola Ferrero.
Camille Lepage Award: Rebecca Conway.