MASSIVE PROTESTS in Prague, about 70,000 people called on the government to leave: They chant slogans against NATO and the EU –

archive video “The gathering on Wenceslas Square is taking place peacefully and we have not had to deal with any serious problems so far. We estimate the number of participants at 2:30 p.m. to be about 70,000,” the police said on Twitter. Many demonstrators brought Czech flags, some also drums and banners with inscriptions such as Water boils for every pig or Ukrainians have a thought and we have two sweaters. After the start of the event, the crowd chanted Demisia!, We’ve had enough! or It’s here! People prepared slogans against the EU, NATO, Prime Minister Fiala, the Green Deal for Europe and the government’s rejection of Russia. On the square there are stands and flags of the KSČM and the Tricolor. Photo gallery (4) Protest in Prague.
Source: SITA/AP Photo/Petr David Josek The organizers demand the resignation of the government. At the same time, they want the government to authorize their experts to negotiate the purchase of gas and oil. For example, the energy worker Vladimír Štěpán criticized high energy prices and the government’s pro-Western course at the demonstration. He called the price cap being considered by the government stupid. According to him, this will lead to further price growth. He also spoke out against buying gas from the exchange. Photo gallery (4) Protest in Prague.
Source: SITA/AP Photo/Petr David Josek The president of Trikolora Majerová Zahradníková said after 3:00 p.m. that the number of demonstrators exceeded 100,000. “The Czech Republic needs a Czech government. Fial’s government is maybe Ukrainian, maybe Brussels, but definitely not Czech,” she said. According to her, the government should reduce taxes, including VAT, and end anti-Russian sanctions that harm Czech businessmen. He also demands a halt to the supply of weapons to Ukraine. “This is not our war,” he thinks. Trikolory’s economic expert, dean of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics in Prague, Miroslav Ševčík, then, among other things, accused Germany of wanting to dominate the Czech Republic with the help of the European Union. Other speakers included the former president of the Agrarian Chamber, Zdeněk Jandejsek, or the former MP Volný, who called for the cooperation of national forces. According to him, they have disappointed so far. Due to the demonstration, the police are diverting traffic from the upper part of the square, the highway is passable. Behind her on the steps of the National Museum are several dozen opponents of the demonstration with a large NATO and EU flag. Photo gallery (4) Protest in Prague.
Source: SITA/AP Photo/Petr David Josek The organizers of the demonstration said earlier this week that they want the current government to leave, the impact of the energy crisis to be mitigated and the damage repaired. They demand freeing the local industry from dependence on foreign companies, military neutrality and securing direct contracts with gas suppliers at low prices, especially with Russia. According to them, the Czech Republic needs to change the system of distribution and payments for electricity so that it does not pay middlemen on the stock exchange. MASSIVE PROTESTS in Prague, about 70,000 people called on the government to leave: They chant slogans against NATO and the EU