The Infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin, together at a funeral in Jaca

The life of the Infanta Cristina has changed completely after her separation from Iñaki Urdangarin after more than 20 years of marriage and four children together. Despite this, the daughter of Don Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía and the former handball player try to maintain a cordial relationship even though they have gone their separate ways. This Sunday, September 4, the ex-partner has been seen together at the funeral of Eduardo Roldán in the Cathedral of Jaca (Huesca). Gtres Iñaki Urdangarin and the Infanta Cristina have come along with two of their children, Pablo and Miguel, as well as with the Infanta Elena to say goodbye to Eduardo Roldán, former director and manager of the Candanchú station. As can be seen in the images published by ‘Heraldo de Aragón’, we can see the daughter of the emeritus kings and the former handball player together in the Cathedral of Jaca greeting friends and family of the deceased. Of course, they have maintained a certain distance between the two. Specifically, when the hearse came out, the two sisters, as well as Pablo and Miguel Urdangarin, stood in the front row to fire the businessman, while Iñaki Urdangarin remained in the strict background. Eduardo Roldán died this past Friday at the Navarra University Clinic, Pamplona, ​​at the age of 83. The businessman had a close relationship with King Felipe VI, as well as with the rest of his family, given his great passion for snow sports. Last Saturday, as reported by the aforementioned media, the King of Spain himself was at the funeral home to say his last goodbye and he merged in an affectionate hug with Eduardo Roldán’s widow, Lourdes, and with the couple’s son, Patrick Roldan. In the same way, they were also accompanied by Kyril from Bulgaria. ‼ The infantas Elena and Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin, at the funeral of Eduardo Roldán in Jaca – Heraldo de Aragón (@heraldoes) September 4, 2022 The Royal Family has sent three flower crowns to the funeral home . One on behalf of Don Felipe and Doña Letizia. Another, on behalf of Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía. And the last one, on behalf of the infantas, Elena and Cristina. It is a sad loss for all of them since the brothers began their passion for skiing thanks to Eduardo Roldán, who was their teacher for several years. The last time that the Infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin saw each other Despite the fact that it was her first summer as a single woman, the Infanta Cristina has tried by all means to make her vacations with her children as similar as possible to what they came being until now. For this reason, at the beginning of August, the daughter of the emeritus kings was seen in Bidart to enjoy a beach day with her children. A usual destination that has served as a refuge for her for many years and in which she also coincided with Iñaki Urdangarin. The two were seen together and met again on the French Basque beach, as we could see in several images published by ‘Hello!’. How many children do the Infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin have? They have 4 children.