The Soria Salud addresses in a new installment the diseases of the XX and XXI in the province – Soria News

Botulism, legionella, smallpox, hydatidosis, tuberculosis, influenza, cholera, meningitis, influenza A, toxic syndrome, trichinosis, sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, salmonellosis, brucellosis, hydatidosis, shigellosis, trichinosis, anthrax, mumps, measles… are some of the ailments addressed by the new issue of Soria Salud, from the Caja Rural Scientific Foundation. For this publication, directed by Dr. Juan Manuel Ruiz Liso, Dr. Carmen Aldea has collaborated, and in it they are The cases of diseases, most of them infectious, that doctors had to deal with, especially in the last century, have been described, although in this edition COVID-19 is ignored as it has already been extensively treated on three previous occasions. copy, which is now published in digital format, can be read at this link or in the attached document below these lines.